HTTP(S) Wait strategy¶
The HTTP wait strategy will check the result of an HTTP(S) request against the container and allows to set the following conditions:
- the port to be used. If no port is passed, it will use the first exposed port in the image.
- the path to be used.
- the HTTP method to be used.
- the HTTP request body to be sent.
- the HTTP status code matcher as a function.
- the HTTP response matcher as a function.
- the TLS config to be used for HTTPS.
- the startup timeout to be used in seconds, default is 60 seconds.
- the poll interval to be used in milliseconds, default is 100 milliseconds.
- the basic auth credentials to be used.
Variations on the HTTP wait strategy are supported, including:
Match an HTTP method¶
ctx := context.Background()
req := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Image: "nginx:latest",
ExposedPorts: []string{"80/tcp"},
WaitingFor: wait.ForHTTP("/"),
gogs, err := testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
ContainerRequest: req,
Started: true,
if err != nil {
Match an HTTP method with Port¶
ctx := context.Background()
req := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Image: "nginx:latest",
ExposedPorts: []string{"8080/tcp", "80/tcp"},
WaitingFor: wait.ForHTTP("/").WithPort("80/tcp"),
gogs, err := testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
ContainerRequest: req,
Started: true,
if err != nil {
Match an HTTP method with Basic Auth¶
ctx := context.Background()
req := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Image: "gogs/gogs:0.11.91",
ExposedPorts: []string{"3000/tcp"},
WaitingFor: wait.ForHTTP("/").WithBasicAuth("username", "password"),
gogs, err := testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
ContainerRequest: req,
Started: true,
if err != nil {
Match an HTTPS status code and a response matcher¶
tlsconfig := &tls.Config{RootCAs: certpool, ServerName: "testcontainer.go.test"}
var i int
dockerReq := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
FromDockerfile: testcontainers.FromDockerfile{
Context: filepath.Join(workdir, "testdata"),
ExposedPorts: []string{"6443/tcp"},
WaitingFor: wait.NewHTTPStrategy("/ping").WithTLS(true, tlsconfig).
WithStartupTimeout(time.Second * 10).
WithResponseMatcher(func(body io.Reader) bool {
data, _ := io.ReadAll(body)
return bytes.Equal(data, []byte("pong"))
WithStatusCodeMatcher(func(status int) bool {
i++ // always fail the first try in order to force the polling loop to be re-run
return i > 1 && status == 200